Insights from the Digital ®Evolution Study at CX Forum 2024

Julien Zidaru, Managing Partner Exact Business Solutions – Research & Consulting & Founder DesignThinkers Academy Eastern Europe, along with Adriana Muscalu, Sr. Researcher & Business Consultant Exact Business Solutions – Research & Consulting, presented an immersive look into Digital Culture Trends, highlighting insights from the Digital ®Evolution Study.

Key meta-trends observed in the urban population include:
🚀 A rising interest in socializing and entertainment via digital platforms.
⏰ The use of time & money-saving strategies through online services.
🪜 Increasing demand for online self-development tools such as courses, conferences, and training.
💖 A growing focus on health and well-being monitoring, as people turn to digital solutions for fitness, mindfulness, and health tracking.
Each generation uses digital differently, and while those aged 18-24 are the most digitally integrated heavy users, even those 55+ enjoy staying connected and health-conscious, while also relying on social networks.

Digital trends are shaping consumer behavior and priorities across different age groups. Exciting times ahead for businesses adapting to these shifts! 📱

Source: Marketing Insiders Group

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