Improving consultancy activities – the first branch dedicated to mortgage loans

UniCredit Bank has opened the Mortgage Center – the first branch where the primary activity is providing mortgage loans. Individuals in need of advice in this field are assisted by experienced specialists.

According to the qualitative study conducted by EXACT, when it comes to getting a mortgage, a crucial factor influencing the choice of a financial institution is the relationship with the branch specialist, followed by previous experience with that institution, costs, and eligibility criteria.

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Out-of-home coffee consumption in Romania

4 mins read

Pentru cea de-a zecea aniversare a ESOMAR Connect Romania am ales o temă largă și generoasă, care le va permite vorbitorilor selectați în program să prezinte frumusețea și utilitatea cercetării de piață.

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The path to new quality standards for national OncoCare at Romanian Healthcare Conference

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Ediția a VII-a a „Hospitality Culture Research”

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Interviu IQads & SMARK: ”Exista doua Romanii. Una europeana, moderna, si alta usor incremenita in trecut si fara alte perspective in afara de migratie”

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7 out of 10 Romanian onliners use instant messaging services every day

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Clothes are pushing the eCommerce market: 2 out of 3 Romanians buy online

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